Friday, April 8, 2011


Hey Ya'll! It's friday and guess what? I DON'T HAVE SCHOOL >:D
Why? Because it's test week and I don't have a test today so I'mma Chill At Home And Be Cool B)

I did have some plans for today but I cancelled it... ugh... I was supposed to have a double date with my friend. I added my date yesterday in Facebook and at first we talked about random stuff but then he turned out to be a sick a-hole xD So I cancelled my date :D

I'm a bít dissappointed cuz I thought he was a nice person and that we were gonna have a good time but no :/
Here's my tip for today :

NEVER JUDGE THE BOOK BY IT'S COVER! He may be good-looking and stuff but in the inside he could be a sick perverted butthole xD

My niece Nicy shows how to react when a dumbass messes with you ;D She's an badass!
ps. she did that by herself xD
Have a nice day! and Riceball is out YO! >:D


  1. Oi kun Nicy on ihana! Ja asennettakin näyttää löytyvän ;D Mullakaan ei oo tänää kouluu, meil on tääl viikonloppu ;)

  2. Juu asennetta löytyy! Se kuuluu perheeseen ;)
    Vähänkö kiva! Meilläkin ;D

  3. asenne lapsi. kuin pablo konsanaan? tutustutetaa noi ku ne oppii puhumaa? (--;
